Bali Immigration’s Vigilant Eye: Deportation of 289 Foreign Nationals

Hello everyone,

It’s Dewi here from RevisBali, and today, I want to share some crucial news regarding immigration in Bali, especially for our international community. The Bali Immigration Office has recently enforced deportation sanctions on 289 foreign nationals from 55 countries, as reported by ANTARA News. This significant action, spanning from January to November 2023, indicates a strict adherence to immigration rules and regulations in Bali.

The number of deportations in 2023 marks a notable increase from the previous year, which saw 188 foreign nationals being deported. The reasons for these deportations varied, including overstaying visas, involvement in criminal activities, and violating Indonesian laws and norms. Among the nationalities most impacted, Russian nationals topped the list with 73 deportations, followed by citizens from the USA, Australia, the UK, Nigeria, and China.

It’s important to understand that these deportations aren’t arbitrary but are grounded in legal frameworks. As per Government Regulation No. 31 of 2023, implementing Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration, foreign nationals detained in Immigration Detention Centers (Rudenim) may face deportation for reasons like lacking valid travel documents or violating legal or public order norms. The law allows for detention of up to 10 years if deportation is not immediately feasible. Furthermore, deported individuals can be banned from re-entering Indonesia, typically for six months, which can be extended or even made permanent in cases deemed a threat to public security and order.

This development is a stern reminder to all foreign nationals residing in or planning to visit Bali: adherence to Indonesian immigration laws is non-negotiable. Whether it’s ensuring your visa is valid, respecting local laws, or understanding the implications of your actions, staying informed and compliant is key to a trouble-free stay in Bali.

For those seeking assistance or clarity on immigration matters in Bali, feel free to reach out to us at RevisBali. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of immigration laws and ensure a peaceful, law-abiding stay in our beautiful island.

Stay safe and compliant!

Owner, RevisBali

Your Trusted Partner in Navigating Bali’s Immigration Landscape

Categorized as Visa