The Real Estate Boom Outside Java: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

The Dawn of a New Real Estate Era: Beyond Java’s Borders

Indonesia’s real estate landscape is witnessing a significant shift, as attention moves from the traditional hub of Java to emerging hotspots across the nation. This change is exemplified by the development of Podomoro City Deli Medan, a beacon of the burgeoning real estate potential in regions outside Java.

Podomoro City Deli Medan: A Case Study in Regional Growth

Podomoro City Deli Medan (PCDM) stands as a testament to the growing appeal of non-Java regions for real estate development. This project not only showcases the untapped potential in these areas but also highlights the diversification of Indonesia’s property market.

Located in the heart of the Medan business district on Jalan Putri Hijau and near the Kualanamu International Airport train station, PCDM is one of the first luxury superblock projects not only in Medan but across Sumatera. This prestigious superblock, developed by Agung Podomoro Land and Capital Group, and PT Sinar Menara Deli, a subsidiary of PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk, is positioned at the strategic “0” point of Medan City, North Sumatra.

Spread across 5.2 hectares, Podomoro City Deli Medan is an integrated development offering one-stop living, working, and shopping facilities. The superblock includes Exclusive Apartments, Tribeca Condominiums, a Premium Office Tower, and the DeliPark Shopping Mall, showcasing a blend of residential and commercial spaces designed to cater to a modern lifestyle​​​​​​​​.

This project is not just a new development; it’s a symbol of Medan’s and Sumatera’s evolving role in Indonesia’s property market, reflecting a shift from Java-centric growth to a more balanced, nationwide development strategy.

Implications for Investors and the Local Economy

The expansion of real estate development beyond Java opens a realm of opportunities for investors. It’s not just about new properties; it’s about participating in the growth of entire regions, contributing to local economies, and tapping into new markets. For the local economy, this shift promises job creation, infrastructural development, and an overall boost in economic activity.

Government Support and Regulatory Enhancements

The Indonesian government, represented by the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan at The Biggest Real Estate Summit 2023, is committed to supporting this shift. The government’s readiness to improve regulatory frameworks, including updating laws related to property trade intermediaries, demonstrates a proactive approach to facilitating and nurturing the real estate sector’s growth.


As Indonesia gears up for the 2024 elections, the real estate sector’s prospects are more promising than ever, especially in regions outside Java. With government support and a conducive ecosystem, the future of Indonesian real estate looks bright and expansive.

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